Hi Dimuthu,

> On Dec 17, 2018, at 9:55 AM, DImuthu Upeksha <dimuthu.upeks...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> Metascheduling Usecase 3: Users within a gateway need to fairly use a 
> community account. Computational resources like XSEDE enforce fair-share 
> across users, but since gateway job submissions are funneled through a single 
> community account, different users within a gateway are impacted. Airavata 
> will need to implement fair-share scheduling among these users to ensure fair 
> use of allocations as well as allowable queue limits and work with resources 
> policies.
> Comments
> 1. Is there any existing work regarding this usecase? I can remember that two 
> students created a UI to enforce these limits and save in a database. 

I'm guessing that the fair share regarding metascheduling is a little different 
from the allocation manager work done by IU students in the spring. Here fair 
share would mean fairly scheduling jobs so that no one user gets a greater 
share of running jobs. For example, if a queue only allows 50 jobs per user and 
all jobs from a gateway are submitted as a single community account user, and 
you have gateway user A submit 50 jobs and gateway users B and C submit 1 job 
each, then you would want to avoid the situation where all 50 of user A's jobs 
get submitted and user B and C's jobs are waiting on them to complete before 
their jobs get submitted to the queue. You would rather want to have user B and 
user C's jobs get submitted and 48 of user A's jobs.

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