Hello Everyone,

This mail is in regards to the meeting sessions I had on last week with Mr.
Suresh Marru and Mr. P. Sudhakar.

*On 23rd March 2022:*

   - Mr. Sudhakar gave a detailed explanation of the Literature database
   and the data validation. He also provided access to the Apache databases to
   understand the schema and data flow.
   - Mr. Suresh provided references to understand the SMILES string,
   Quantum Chemistry, and Chemical Data Extractor. After following his
   instructions, I felt more comfortable to work on the Literature database.

*On 29th March 2022:*

   - We discussed a few pending tasks and the hierarchy of code
   - Mr. Suresh and Mr. Sudhakar helped me in framing the problem statement
   in view of GSoC documentation.

By the end of this week, with the support of my mentors, I had worked on
the following tasks;

   - Extraction of the data from the Open inventory dashboard.
   - Analyzing the JSON data and redesigning with the required fields.
   - Configuring the Literature Database to process the JSON files.
   - Framing the Problem statement (Draft in progress).

I would thank both Mr. Suresh and Mr. Sudhar for being on this journey and
helping me to gain the core knowledge of this project.
Looking forward to have a complete discussion on the problem statement.

Thanks & Regards
Mr. Bhavesh Asanabada.

On Wed, Mar 16, 2022 at 12:28 PM Bhavesh Asanabada <asanabhav...@gmail.com>

> Hello Everyone,
> I’m obliged for the meeting I had this morning with Mr. Suresh Marru and
> Mr. Sudhakar. We have covered prime objectives and achieved several goals
> that we set during the previous meetings. Great job!
> In today’s meeting, we had discussed the content strategy and the future
> developments for my upcoming Google Summer on Code (GSoC) project. We
> reviewed what tasks were completed since the last meeting and listed the
> implementation goals of this project. Here are more details on this
> discussion.
>    - Mr. Suresh helped me by providing reference pages of the past Google
>    Summer on Code (GSoC) projects and also shared the repositories to get
>    familiar with the project code. He also gave insights about the
>    technologies and the kind of frameworks to be used in the implementation.
>    - Mr. Sudhakar explained the basic compound structures, properties,
>    and their behavior. We also discussed the storage spaces of this project.
>    In general, about the three familiar databases called Experiment database,
>    Literature Database, and the Computational Database. I’m impressed with the
>    ideology and insights he had throughout an hour.
> In conclusion with their words, my tasks are to
>    - Understand the hierarchy and workflow of the Google Summer on Code
>    (GSoC) project.
>    - Understand the basic chemistry and chemical properties.
>    - Get familiar with JSON for Linking Data (JSON-LD) and the schema
>    (Protocol buffers) by Open Reaction Database (ORD).
>    - In the development part, I need to model a database such that the
>    data from the Experiment database, Literature Database, and the
>    Computational Database is compared to avoid duplication and empty values
>    and then the data is sent to a single database.
> I am super excited to work on this project and enhance my skills.
> Currently, I am working on the Protocol Buffers.
> Thanks & Regards
> Mr. Bhavesh Asanabada
  • Meeting Review Bhavesh Asanabada
    • Re: Meeting Review Bhavesh Asanabada

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