Hi, I'm trying to set up the latest code from airavata-php-portal [1] on my local machine. I need that for creating and testing some HTCondor compute resources. Here's how I tried.
I copied the latest source from airavata-php-portal to "airavata/modules/ide-integration/src/main/containers/pga" path in the airavata repository and ran "docker compose up" on the same directory. And I end up with the following errors on the command line. *(base) dinukadesilva@Dinukas-MacBook-Pro pga % docker compose up[+] Running 1/0 ⠿ Container pga-pga-1 Created 0.0sAttaching to pga-pga-1pga-pga-1 | pga-pga-1 | * *pga-pga-1 | [UnexpectedValueException] * *pga-pga-1 exited with code 1(base) dinukadesilva@Dinukas-MacBook-Pro pga % * But, if I do the same steps without copying the latest airavata-php-portal, it works fine, and pga portal up and runs perfectly. Thanks & Regards, Dinuka [1] https://github.com/apache/airavata-php-gateway