I think it can make sense to use both singular and plural, if you structure
your commands in the right way. For example Kubernetes generally use the
structure of:

kubectl <action> <target>

where target can be singular or plural depending on what you want to take
action on.

This is opposed to GCP which use the general structure of:

gcloud <target> <action>

in which case I think it would be very confusing to have <target> switch
between singular and plural; both from a user perspective and from a coding

I think the Airlfow cli is much more in line with the second structure. It
would be weird to me if the Airflow cli had

airflow dags list  # plural
airflow dag trigger # singular

To that end I would suggest that Airflow sticks with either singular or
plural, but not both.


On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 3:52 PM Bas Harenslak <basharens...@godatadriven.com>

> My 2c: I googled a bit and checked a few other CLIs. The internet is full
> of people discussing this topic and there is no straight answer, so pick
> one and stick with it.
> Most CLIs seem to use both plural and singular, depending on whether
> you’re making a request to single resource or multiple resources:
> Kubernetes: both (e.g. kubectl get pod for single pod, kubectl get pods
> for all)
> Gcloud: plural (e.g. gcloud compute instances move … for moving a single
> instance)
> AWS: both
> Docker: both
> I think it kinda makes sense to use both forms, since in spoken word we
> also talk about a “dag” (singular) when referring to one single DAG, and
> talk about “dags” (plural) when referring to multiple DAGs.
> Cheers,
> Bas
> On 11 Jun 2019, at 20:28, Kamil Breguła <kamil.breg...@polidea.com<mailto:
> kamil.breg...@polidea.com>> wrote:
> gcloud use a plurral form.
> https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/compute/instances/list
> On Tue, Jun 11, 2019 at 8:08 PM Ash Berlin-Taylor <a...@apache.org> wrote:
> To bring up the point that William Pursell brought up in the vote thread:
> Not sure if this is the right place to address minor issues, and
> perhaps I'm late to the discussion.  It would be much more natural to
> use singular expressions.  eg,
> airflow dag list
> airflow pool list
> airflow pool add
> etc.
> Does anyone have any opinion about this. I'm fairly ambivalent. What do
> other tools do here? (i.e. is there any prior art we can copy)
> -ash
> On 11 Feb 2019, at 08:48, Szymon Przedwojski <
> szymon.przedwoj...@polidea.com> wrote:
> +1, I like the general idea of refactoring this and the new command
> suggestions by Kamil look nice and coherent to me.
> Szymon Przedwojski
> Polidea | Software Engineer
> M: +48 500 330 790
> E: szymon.przedwoj...@polidea.com
> On 8 Feb 2019, at 11:50, Kamil Breguła <kamil.breg...@polidea.com> wrote:
> I think that it is worth to group some commands.
> Currently, the user must choose from a large number of commands, which may
> not be intuitive for the developer. Grouping several command will make it a
> lot more enjoyable.
> airflow resetdb => airflow db reset
> airflow initdb => airflow db init
> airflow list_dags => airflow dag list
> airflow trigger_dag dag_id => airflow dag trigger dag_id
> airflow unpause dag_id => airflow dag unpause dag_id
> airflow list_dag_runs dag_id => airflow dag list_runs dag_id
> airflow list_tasks dag_id => airflow dag list_tasks dag_id
> airflow dag_state dag_id => airflow dag state dag_id
> airflow backfill dag_id => airflow dag backfill dag_id
> airflow render dag_id task_id execution_date => airflow ti render dag_id
> task_id execution_date
> airflow test dag_id task_id execution_date => airflow ti test dag_id
> task_id execution_date
> airflow task_state => airflow ti state
> airflow run => airflow ti run
> And other...
> This way of building CLI UI is common in the industry. For example gcloud (
> https://cloud.google.com/sdk/gcloud/reference/config/ )
> I think it's worth to prepare AIP to think about building the CLI
> interface. We can introduce the proposed change for only some commands.It
> is worth adding that another interface - REST, have AIP -
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/AIRFLOW/AIP-13%3A+OpenAPI+3+based+API+definition
> I personally support the introduction of changes, but we can not make
> changes and think only about one case. First, let's prepare the whole
> interface design, and the next step is to introduce changes.
> Thank you very much for thinking about this issues.
> On Fri, Feb 8, 2019 at 6:27 AM jm.c...@gmail.com <jm.c...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> The CLI treats `airflow connection` as a single command, with `--list`,
> `--add`, etc. as flags. This means it's possible to pass options that can't
> be used together: passing `--list` with `--conn_id` should be invalid. The
> current implementation has to handle validation of mutually exclusive
> options separately for each command. I think the code would be simpler and
> easier to use if we used nested commands instead of flags: `airflow
> connections list` and `airflow connections add` would be separate
> subcommands that would take different arguments, and we wouldn't have to
> check for invalid combinations of commands and arguments.
> This might overlap with other CLI refactoring, like
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AIRFLOW-3358. I'm not sure if that
> conversation is still active, though.
> Interested to get feedback about this--maybe there are advantages to using
> flags instead of subcommands that I haven't thought of.
> --
> Kamil Breguła
> Polidea <https://www.polidea.com/> | Software Engineer
> M: +48 505 458 451 <+48505458451>
> E: kamil.breg...@polidea.com
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