I can't understate what a conceptual improvement this would be for the end 
users of Airflow in our environment. I've written a lot of code so all our 
configuration works like this anyway. But the UI still shows the Airflow dates 
which still to this day sometimes confuse me.

I'll be at the NY meet ups on Monday and Tuesday, maybe some of my first PRs 
could be additional test cases around edge cases to do with DST and cron 
scheduling that I have concerns about :)


-----Original Message-----
From: Ash Berlin-Taylor [mailto:a...@apache.org] 
Sent: Friday, August 23, 2019 6:50 AM
To: dev@airflow.apache.org
Subject: Setting to add choice of schedule at end or schedule at start of 

This has come up a few times before, someone has now opened a PR that makes 
this a global+per-dag setting: https://github.com/apache/airflow/pull/5787 and 
it also includes docs that I think does a good job of illustrating the two 

Does anyone object to this being merged? If no one says anything by midday on 
Tuesday I will take that as assent and will merge it.

The docs from the PR included below.


Scheduled Time vs Execution Time

A DAG with a ``schedule_interval`` will execute once per interval. By
default, the execution of a DAG will occur at the **end** of the
schedule interval.

A few examples:

- A DAG with ``schedule_interval='@hourly'``: The DAG run that processes
2019-08-16 17:00 will start running just after 2019-08-16 17:59:59,
i.e. once that hour is over.
- A DAG with ``schedule_interval='@daily'``: The DAG run that processes
2019-08-16 will start running shortly after 2019-08-17 00:00.

The reasoning behind this execution vs scheduling behaviour is that
data for the interval to be processed won't be fully available until
the interval has elapsed.

In cases where you wish the DAG to be executed at the **start** of the
interval, specify ``schedule_at_interval_end=False``, either in
``airflow.cfg``, or on a per-DAG basis.

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