Hi, I'm attempting to create a custom hook (for mongodb) as a plugin but
it's not appearing in the list of connections in the UI.

1. Ran Airflow via docker (https://github.com/puckel/docker-airflow)
2. Copied the example from https://pythonhosted.org/airflow/plugins.html
3. Copied the postgres hook, renamed a few fields and ended up with
https://gist.github.com/shin-nien/2d011972d8631c92675d1de58b000168 (it
won't work for mongo yet but I wanted to test that it would be available).
4. Restarted the container and observed pyc in plugins dir was created.
5. Went to UI and noticed the test menus
6. Went to UI/Connections but couldn't find my connector/hook

Any tips?


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