Please ignore.

It is being called.

On Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 2:39 PM, twinkle sachdeva <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am working with a hiveToMySql transfer operation, which is not able to
> connect and gives following logs:
> HiveServer2Error: Failed after retrying 3 times
> [2016-10-27 01:54:46,524] {} INFO - Marking task as
> As per the code in the,
> incubator-airflow/blob/master/airflow/ , it should be
> calling the code for retry handler ( we are using version, but it
> is not happening.
> Here is the relevant code snippet:
> def my_retry_handler(context):
>      print "my_retry_handler called"     slack_retry_notification =
> SlackAPIPostOperator(         task_id='Slack_Failure_Notification',
>          token="XXXXXX",
>          channel='@yyyyyy',
>          text=":skull: - {time} - {dag} attempt has been failed
> ".format(dag='Some Dag',"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
> ),
>          owner='Retry Handler')
>      return slack_retry_notification.execute
> hiveToMySql = HiveToMYSQLTransfer(sql="jdbsd", hiveserver2_conn_id='hivese
> rver2_default',.........
>             on_retry_callback=my_retry_handler)
> Is there something i am missing?
> Regards,
> Twinkle

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