We use Airflow variables heavily.

from airflow.models import Variable

# Load an environment variable as a string

ENV = Variable.get('ENV').strip()

# Load an environment variable as JSON and access a JSON field named


SSH_KEY = Variable.get('ep_platform_ssh_keys',

You can put this code in your dag file or in any python code your dag file


On Mon, Jun 19, 2017 at 4:11 AM, Rob Harrison <robh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to pass a variable to my airflow dag and would like to know if
> there is a recommended method for doing this.
> I am hoping to create a dag with python operators and tasks that read data
> from a parquet table, perform a calculation then write the results into a
> new table. I'd like to pass the source table name in along with the task
> when calling the dag from the command line.
> From what I have read, the following can be used to read a variable from
> the command line:
> airflow variables -s myvar="value"
> Does anyone have an example of this they can share?
> Thank you,
> Rob

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