Your users are not set up as as Admin users. The mechanism for fixing this depends upon what auth backend you are using.
Look in your airflow.cfg under the [core] section for the auth_backend settings, that will (likely) map into one of these classes <> For example if you are using the LDAP backend then look at the [ldap] superuser_filter setting, which will map LDAP group membership into Airflow admins. Hope this helps. Ash > On 29 Aug 2018, at 07:15, Shubham Gupta <> wrote: > > Hi, > > Airflow variables and data profiling tabs are hidden in the UI. Can someone > suggest how to unhide them? If I try to access through '/admin/variable/', > the result is > >> 'You don't have the permission to access the requested resource. It is >> either read-protected or not readable by the server.' > > > The people who set airflow cluster initially are no longer in the same > company. > > Regards > Shubham Gupta