The relative paths might work from where ever you are evoking 'airflow
list_tasks', but that doesn't mean they work from wherever the webserver is
parsing the dags from.

Does running 'airflow list_tasks' from some other running directory work?

On Fri, Sep 14, 2018 at 12:35 PM Frank Maritato
<> wrote:

> Do you mean give the full path to the files? The relative path I'm using
> definitely works. When I type airflow list_dags, I can see the output from
> the print statements that the glob is finding my sql files and creating the
> snowflake operators.
> airflow list_tasks workflow also lists all the operators I'm creating. I'm
> just not seeing them in the ui.
> On 9/14/18, 9:10 AM, "Sai Phanindhra" <> wrote:
>     Hi frank,
>     Can you try giving global paths?
>     On Fri 14 Sep, 2018, 21:35 Frank Maritato, <
> .invalid>
>     wrote:
>     > Hi,
>     >
>     > I'm using apache airflow 1.10.0 and I'm trying to dynamically
> generate
>     > some tasks in my dag based on files that are in the dags directory.
> The
>     > problem is, I don't see these tasks in the ui, I just see the
> 'start' dummy
>     > operator. If I type 'airflow list_tasks workflow', they are listed.
>     > Thoughts?
>     >
>     > Here is how I'm generating the tasks:
>     >
>     >
>     > def create_snowflake_operator(file, dag, snowflake_connection):
>     >     file_repl = file.replace('/', '_')
>     >     file_repl = file_repl.replace('.sql', '')
>     >     print("TASK_ID {}".format(file_repl))
>     >     return SnowflakeOperator(
>     >         dag=dag,
>     >         task_id='create_{}'.format(file_repl),
>     >         snowflake_conn_id=snowflake_connection,
>     >         sql=file
>     >     )
>     >
>     > DAG_NAME = 'create_objects'
>     > dag = DAG(
>     >     DAG_NAME,
>     >     default_args=args,
>     >     dagrun_timeout=timedelta(hours=2),
>     >     schedule_interval=None,
>     > )
>     >
>     > start = DummyOperator(
>     >     dag=dag,
>     >     task_id="start",
>     > )
>     >
>     > print("creating snowflake operators")
>     >
>     > for file in glob('dags/snowsql/create/udf/*.sql'):
>     >     print("FILE {}".format(file))
>     >     task = create_snowflake_operator(file, dag, 'snowflake_default')
>     >     task.set_upstream(start)
>     >
>     > for file in glob('dags/snowsql/create/table/*.sql'):
>     >     print("FILE {}".format(file))
>     >     task = create_snowflake_operator(file, dag, 'snowflake_default')
>     >     task.set_upstream(start)
>     >
>     > for file in glob('dags/snowsql/create/view/*.sql'):
>     >     print("FILE {}".format(file))
>     >     task = create_snowflake_operator(file, dag, 'snowflake_default')
>     >     task.set_upstream(start)
>     >
>     > print("done {}".format(start.downstream_task_ids))
>     >
>     > Thanks in advance
>     > --
>     > Frank Maritato
>     >

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