See <>


[dave] [#8276] remove unused WsgiDispatchController children

[dave] [#8276] Change __call__ to _perform_call so any HTTPErrors raised from

[dave] [#8276] Invalid exceptions no longer handled when raised in

[...truncated 42.69 KB...]
npm WARN foundation-sites@6.5.3 requires a peer of jquery@>=2.2.0 but none was 
npm WARN foundation-sites@6.5.3 requires a peer of what-input@>=4.1.0 but none 
was installed.
Not running tests for ForgeSVN, since it isn't set up
<DummyProcess(Thread-1, started daemon 140271390557952)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=alluratest --processes=4 --process-timeout=360` 
in AlluraTest

<DummyProcess(Thread-2, started daemon 140271382165248)> running `nosetests 
allura/tests/ --with-xunitmp --cover-package=allura --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in Allura

<DummyProcess(Thread-3, started daemon 140271373772544)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeactivity --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeActivity

<DummyProcess(Thread-4, started daemon 140271365379840)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeblog --processes=4 --process-timeout=360` 
in ForgeBlog

<DummyProcess(Thread-5, started daemon 140271148857088)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgechat --processes=4 --process-timeout=360` 
in ForgeChat

<DummyProcess(Thread-6, started daemon 140271140464384)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgediscussion --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeDiscussion

Ran 2 tests in 3.551s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgechat --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeChat
<DummyProcess(Thread-5, started daemon 140271148857088)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgegit ` in ForgeGit

.............No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
ENo config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
Ran 22 tests in 9.032s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeactivity --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeActivity
<DummyProcess(Thread-3, started daemon 140271373772544)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeimporters --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeImporters

.No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
....No config file found, using default configuration
.No config file found, using default configuration
Ran 57 tests in 20.274s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeblog --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeBlog
<DummyProcess(Thread-4, started daemon 140271365379840)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgelink --processes=4 --process-timeout=360` 
in ForgeLink

.No config file found, using default configuration
ERROR: alluratest.test_syntax.TestLinters.test_pylint_12
Traceback (most recent call last):
 line 197, in runTest
 line 112, in <lambda>
    lint_test_method = lambda self, these_files=files: run_linter(these_files)
 line 76, in run_linter
    raise Exception('Custom Allura pylint errors found.')
Exception: Custom Allura pylint errors found.
-------------------- >> begin captured stdout << ---------------------
Usage:  pylint [options] module_or_package

  Check that a module satisfies a coding standard (and more !).

    pylint --help

  Display this help message and exit.

    pylint --help-msg <msg-id>[,<msg-id>]

  Display help messages about given message identifiers and exit.

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --long-help           more verbose help.

    --rcfile=<file>     Specify a configuration file.
    -E, --errors-only   In error mode, checkers without error messages are
                        disabled and for others, only the ERROR messages are
                        displayed, and no reports are done by default
    --py3k              In Python 3 porting mode, all checkers will be
                        disabled and only messages emitted by the porting
                        checker will be displayed
                        Add files or directories to the blacklist. They should
                        be base names, not paths. [current: CVS]
    -j <n-processes>, --jobs=<n-processes>
                        Use multiple processes to speed up Pylint. [current:
                        A comma-separated list of package or module names from
                        where C extensions may be loaded. Extensions are
                        loading into the active Python interpreter and may run
                        arbitrary code [current: none]
                        Allow optimization of some AST trees. This will
                        activate a peephole AST optimizer, which will apply
                        various small optimizations. For instance, it can be
                        used to obtain the result of joining multiple strings
                        with the addition operator. Joining a lot of strings
                        can lead to a maximum recursion error in Pylint and
                        this flag can prevent that. It has one side effect,
                        the resulting AST will be different than the one from
                        reality. [current: no]

                        Display a help message for the given message id and
                        exit. The value may be a comma separated list of
                        message ids.
    --generate-rcfile   Generate a sample configuration file according to the
                        current configuration. You can put other options
                        before this one to get them in the generated

  Messages control:
                        Only show warnings with the listed confidence levels.
                        Leave empty to show all. Valid levels: HIGH,
                        INFERENCE, INFERENCE_FAILURE, UNDEFINED [current:
    -e <msg ids>, --enable=<msg ids>
                        Enable the message, report, category or checker with
                        the given id(s). You can either give multiple
                        identifier separated by comma (,) or put this option
                        multiple time. See also the "--disable" option for
    -d <msg ids>, --disable=<msg ids>
                        Disable the message, report, category or checker with
                        the given id(s). You can either give multiple
                        identifiers separated by comma (,) or put this option
                        multiple times (only on the command line, not in the
                        configuration file where it should appear only
                        once).You can also use "--disable=all" to disable
                        everything first and then reenable specific checks.
                        For example, if you want to run only the similarities
                        checker, you can use "--disable=all
                        --enable=similarities". If you want to run only the
                        classes checker, but have no Warning level messages
                        displayed, use"--disable=all --enable=classes

    -f <format>, --output-format=<format>
                        Set the output format. Available formats are text,
                        parseable, colorized, msvs (visual studio) and html.
                        You can also give a reporter class, eg
                        mypackage.mymodule.MyReporterClass. [current: text]
    -r <y_or_n>, --reports=<y_or_n>
                        Tells whether to display a full report or only the
                        messages [current: no]
                        Template used to display messages. This is a python
                        new-style format string used to format the message
                        information. See doc for all details

--------------------- >> end captured stdout << ----------------------

Ran 29 tests in 20.760s

FAILED (errors=1)
finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=alluratest --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in AlluraTest
<DummyProcess(Thread-1, started daemon 140271390557952)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeshorturl --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeShortUrl

Ran 11 tests in 5.689s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeshorturl --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeShortUrl
<DummyProcess(Thread-1, started daemon 140271390557952)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgetracker --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeTracker

Ran 19 tests in 6.891s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgelink --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeLink
<DummyProcess(Thread-4, started daemon 140271365379840)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeuserstats --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeUserStats

Ran 123 tests in 22.873s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeimporters 
--processes=4 --process-timeout=360` in ForgeImporters
<DummyProcess(Thread-3, started daemon 140271373772544)> running `nosetests  
--with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgewiki --processes=4 --process-timeout=360` 
in ForgeWiki

Ran 12 tests in 14.899s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgeuserstats 
--processes=4 --process-timeout=360` in ForgeUserStats
<DummyProcess(Thread-4, started daemon 140271365379840)> running `npm run 
lint-es6` in .

> allura@0.0.0 lint-es6 <>
> eslint -c .eslintrc-es6  --ignore-path .eslintignore-es6 
> Allura/allura/public/**/*.es6.js || true

finished `npm run lint-es6` in .
Ran 69 tests in 49.046s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgediscussion 
--processes=4 --process-timeout=360` in ForgeDiscussion
Ran 71 tests in 34.148s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgewiki --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeWiki
Ran 199 tests in 89.901s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgetracker --processes=4 
--process-timeout=360` in ForgeTracker
Ran 1151 tests in 174.793s

OK (SKIP=13)
finished `nosetests allura/tests/ --with-xunitmp --cover-package=allura 
--processes=4 --process-timeout=360` in Allura
Ran 143 tests in 231.593s

finished `nosetests  --with-xunitmp --cover-package=forgegit ` in ForgeGit
Running setup_app() from allura.websetup
/p/test/wiki/_discuss/thread/6640f6198a/ 200 OK
{"sidebar": 1, "jinja": 1, "markdown": 4, "ming": 106}
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Recording plot data
[Cobertura] Skipping Cobertura coverage report as build was not SUCCESS or 
better ...

Recording test results

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