Hi Davor,

The report was made in a rush and a bit from memory as I am traveling. I
will rectify, please see below:

> Two new contributors have contributed code that have been merged.
This was from my memory, @Yariv Triffon <yar...@gmail.com> did start
committing (he is working on AMATERASU-54), but also, he helped me and
pushed to by branch during this iteration (@Yariv, correct me if I'm
wrong). It does seem that those changes did not make it at the end (or I
might have redone them manually) but I will remove him from the report.

> In addition, we are actively looking for more use cases and organizations
> to use Amaterasu.
This is done by having direct discussions with different organizations, in
fact, most of my efforts in the last months have been around trying to find
use cases for Amaterasu, and I have been spending a lot of time approaching
organizations (with some help from @Kirupagaran Devarajan
<kirupagara...@gmail.com> and @ey...@apache.org <ey...@apache.org>).

I think this is key to the success of the project no less than the number
of commits, but it takes time, especially for a small project.

> * 5 pull requests have been opened
You are correct, as I said this report was done in a rush  I will fix this
in the report.

I understand that you are not trying to be difficult, and if you and the
other mentors think we should retire we can discuss that, but also, I
wanted to know if maybe there are things you and the rest of the mentors
think you can do to help us pass this rough patch and get the project to
the next level (and I'm not speaking about graduation yet).

I will also add a comment in the report regarding this discussion.


On Sun, Jan 6, 2019 at 8:39 AM Davor Bonaci <da...@apache.org> wrote:

> The report doesn't have my sign-off in the current form.
> > Two new contributors have contributed code that have been merged.
> Can you please clarify who are those? From what I can tell [1], the code
> activity includes past contributors Yaniv (11 commits, 1.5k lines) and
> anonymousGiraffe (50 lines). The (only) new contributor seems to be ebarten
> at 40 lines.
> > In addition, we are actively looking for more use cases and organizations
> > to use Amaterasu.
> >
> Can you please clarify what exactly has been done here? Links and evidence
> would be super helpful.
> > * 5 pull requests have been opened
> I can see four (#34 - #37). #33 was opened in early August. Which is the
> fifth one?
> Firstly, I don't think it matters whether there are 1 or 2 new
> contributors, 4 or 5 pull requests, but it does bother me the accuracy of
> the report. Please be accurate when reporting statistics and possibly quote
> the source if there's any doubt about them, otherwise you easily lose all
> credibility and appear disrespectful to your audience. Please.
> Secondly, I think it is safe to assume that everybody understands that the
> project is dormant and not making any progress towards graduation. Should
> the report at least mention it? Even after being explicitly asked by
> Justin?
> Please note that I'm not trying to be difficult here, but things cannot
> continue this way.
> Davor
> [1]
> https://github.com/apache/incubator-amaterasu/graphs/contributors?from=2018-10-05&to=2019-01-05&type=c

Yaniv Rodenski

+61 477 778 405

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