Hi everyone,

There will be an Apache Ambari Meetup on June 27 (Mon), 6PM-8PM PDT, at San 
Jose Convention Center [1].
Note that there's room for only 40-50 people or so.  Please sign up in advance 
to secure your spot!

This is a free event - you do not need a pass for Hadoop Summit, even though 
it's at the same venue.

We have 2 hours, so we can have a number of speakers based on how many are 
interested in presenting.
If you would like to present at this Meetup, please let me know directly or 
thru the dev mailing list.

Thanks, and hope to see many of you there!

[1] http://www.meetup.com/Apache-Ambari-User-Group/events/231576067/

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