tbdin...@gmail.com  is mine for a hangout

On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 11:19 PM, Andrew Hedges <and...@hypothes.is> wrote:
> This detail is super helpful. Thanks, Dinesh!
> We’ll be using a channel on the Annotating All Knowledge Slack team that
> day.
> https://hypothes.is/aak-slack/
> Please send me the Google account(s) for us to add to the Hangout on the
> day.
> Also, feel free to ask any Hypothesis-specific questions in our #public
> channel to get a head start on Saturday.
> Looking forward to your team’s participation!
> Andrew Hedges
> Engineering Manager, Hypothesis
> http://hypothes.is
> On May 4, 2017, at 8:41 AM, TB Dinesh <din...@servelots.com> wrote:
> We will be on slack (hypothesis channel?) for the iannotate.org hackday
> (will be a hack night as it will be 9pm to 5am over here in India!)
> and also on #servelots irc on freenode for internal discussions
> Hangout should be okay for video intros.
> We can provide the hangout ids on Slack when we get started on the 6th.
> Our specific use case is written up here
>   https://www.w3.org/annotation/wiki/Use_Cases/Social_Semantic_web
> Here is what we have as a goal for Saturday:
> to authenticate a user,
>   {how is this done in h and can we use the auth api of h?}
> to annotate something on a page,
>   {we plan to start with annotator.apache.org code}
> to generate a w3c rec standard anno,
> to store the annotation in repo,
>   {we will have a hosted mangoserver conforming to w3c annotation protocol}
> to pull annos related to a page,
> to filter based on users, etc
> to annotate video
> to annotate images
> to be able to store lists of annotations
> We look at the projects/code at
> https://github.com/openannotation/annotator/wiki
> and see how to bring parts of it to annotator.apache.org
> note: what the best resource to use to add image annotation to annotator?
> iiif has some things we can reuse or do we just use code from annotorious
> Look forward to pointers on this - sooner the better - so we can get
> prepared for the hackday.
> Looking forward,
> -dinesh and team
> On Wed, May 3, 2017 at 10:47 PM, Andrew Hedges <and...@hypothes.is> wrote:
> Hey Dinesh,
> Of course I welcome your participation however you think it makes sense.
> We'll of course be on our public Slack channel throughout the day and could
> use a Hangout to videoconference you and others in for the intros and EOD
> presentations. Let me know how you'd like to take part.
> Andrew Hedges
> Engineering Manager, Hypothesis
> http://hypothes.is
> On May 1, 2017, at 10:35 PM, TB Dinesh <din...@servelots.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrew..
> We can remotely hack up from Bangalore and other places.
> Keep us posted
> On 2 May 2017 10:56, "Andrew Hedges" <and...@hypothes.is> wrote:
> Hi everyone! I'm writing to set the stage for the I Annotate Hack Day
> coming up this Saturday @ Fort Mason Center, Landmark Building C, Room
> C-230.
> We have nearly 40 people signed up to participate. The day will be pretty
> informal, but will flow roughly as follows:
> 8:30–9:00am — Coffee, tea, & light breakfast
> 9:00am — Kickoff & intros, share what project you're working on or let
> others know you're available to help with theirs
> 9:30am–Noon — Hack alongside Hypothesis engineers and other I Annotate
> attendees
> Noon–1:00pm — Lunch
> 1:00–4:30pm — Hack day, continued
> 4:30pm — Presentations and demos by participants
> 5:30–8:00pm — Hack Day BBQ @ 3 Fort Mason
> The Hack Day is not Hypothesis-specific, but Hypothesis engineers will be
> available to work alongside anyone leveraging our stack or API.
> We're super excited by the level of interest in the Hack Day and can't
> wait to see what you're working on!
> See you Saturday,
> Andrew & the Hypothesis Engineering Team
> -----
> Andrew Hedges
> Engineering Manager, Hypothesis
> http://hypothes.is

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