Dear Mr. Gabor

On Sun, 23 Mar 2003, Rene Gabor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Would you have an Ant Manual in pdf that we can download? Thank you
> very very much for your kindest assistance.

Unfortunately there is no PDF version of the Ant manual.  Ant's manual
is currently created from static HTML pages, this may change in the
future, but we are not there yet.

The closest thing to a PDF version of the manual we can offer is
<>.  This is Appendix E of the
book "Java Development With Ant" by Erik Hatcher and Steve Loughran.
It should cover Ant 1.5.

We offer this appendix with kind permission by Manning[1], it is also
included with all Ant releases starting with Ant 1.5 (you'll find it
in the docs subdirectory).  Please note that this is not the official
documentation.  When in doubt, please consult the online manual.

Kind regards

        Stefan Bodewig


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