Costin Manolache wrote, On 03/05/2003 8.22: ...
One use case I had in mind for CH was a namespace like "jmx:...", where the JMXComponentHelper would use the JMX metadata to create the
task ( no ant table ). That's clearly outside the scope of antlib or ant (
it's just a custom task ).

This seems interestig, and brings up what XML namespaces can be used for.

It has been said that they can be used to separate the tasks/types loaded by different antlibs. But yesterday I was thinking of Java, and how import works... and I imagined having to write the full namespaces except for the Java one, as would happen in Ant with XML namespaces... ugh :-P

I think that XML namespaces really make things much more difficult to write and understand. One thing I don't like in Jelly is just this use of namespaces, where all scripts seem cluttered and simply difficult to read.

This is why I favor that Antlibs work similarly to java imports, where there are no prefixes *except* when specified, and then I would *not* make prefixes free, but use the "standars" full name for that Antlib.

So, given that namespaces would not be used for this, Costin's suggestion seems very interesting...

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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