On Monday 05 May 2003 20:20, J.Pietschmann wrote:
> peter reilly wrote:
> > I would agree with most of what Nicola says. I think
> > that XML ns is a "heavy" solution for name clashing
> > of names defined in a antlib. Moreover I do not
> > think that the antlib needs to define a qualified name.
> > The "prefix" attribute idea of the <property/> task could
> > be used - even with the current <typedef/> command.
> >
> > <typedef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antcontrib.properties"
> >          prefix="antcontrib"/>
> Hm. How do you ensure that prefixes wont clash?
The build script author has control over the prefixes.
> This also pretty much rules out validation or schema-directed
> editing with a standard tool.

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