At 04:53 PM 6/5/2003 +0200, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
On there is a nice
Maybe we should add that pattern as example.

Following the diff.

Thanks for the diff, but I think the examples should be as illuminating as possible, rather than identifying edge cases. I'm not sure anyone would gain a better understanding of Patternsets by reading that example. It is more likely to confuse, it seems to me.

If this kind of selection is common it could make a good entry in our FAQ, but I doubt that is the case here. So I've done some editing on the Apache Wiki for the Ant pages and added an AntOddities page Eventually that page will contain a collection of links, but since there is only one right now that seemed overkill. Jan, feel free to go in and correct anything I got wrong on that page.

Of course, the AntProjectPages will have to be beefed up a little bit and then pointed to from our own documentation to make this useful. I've left a little bit of a skeleton behind, and I'm hoping people will start to flesh it out a bit.

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