On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Please do the unit tests.

Will do so shortly.

I'm rather sure that some border cases of case-insensitive matching
and of followsymlinks=false will be problematic.  It's hard to provide
a unit test for the later, it will by definition not run on OSes
without symlinks.

> But scanning time is just unfortunately a small fraction of the time
> needed to make a jar or a zip file.

True for these tasks (at least since Ant 1.2, scanning in Ant 1.1 was
incredibly slow under certain conditions).

It becomes an issue for tasks that work on lots of files, especially
if they realize that they don't need to do anything.  Consider <javac>
scanning a really huge repository just to find that all .class files
are up to date.  Here scanning takes the majority of time.


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