Anderson, Robert H - MWT wrote, On 25/07/2003 0.35:

It would be nice if the cvs tasks were rewritten to use a java cvs
implementation rather than the native cvs binary for the os. Is there a java
cvs implementation that is prefered? Thoughts?

Well, AFAIK there is JCvs and the NetBeans CVS module.

JCVS did not have an Apache-compatible license, but I've heard that the author thought of changing it, but I still don't know.

What I would suggest is the NetBeans CVS library, as:
 - it's license compatible
 - it has a good user base (Netbeans users)
 - it has a community around it

If you look on the Netbeans site you will find the project page of this library with instructions on how to use it standalone.

It would be great if Ant used it :-D

Nicola Ken Barozzi                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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