Take UNIX-like shell variables, soft-links, mount-points and a few other things, munge them into a hierarchical structure and you'll have an approximation of a VMS Logical Name.

Basically, if the OS (or system call) gets a path that doesn't correspond to a physical device name, directory and file, it does a "logical name translation" on the path, recursively, until it resolves to a mounted device, directory, and file.

There are, of course, a multitude of other uses for logical names, but that is probably the primary one of interest to ant.


At 12:56 2003-07-25, you wrote:
Wannheden, Knut wrote:

Thanks for applying the patch so fast!
Meanwhile I've been working on adding support for VMS logicals.  This is a
bit tricky, because a logical can have multiple values and it can also be
defined in multiple tables.  Additionally the output from SHOW LOGICAL can't
just be read in as on Unix and Windows, it needs to be parsed a little bit.
Also this just requires changes to Execute.java (and the <property> task

What is a logical?

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