On Tue, 29 Jul 2003, Alexey Solofnenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it is easy. <zip> already supports part of it with
> <zipfileset>.

Sure, but not for "plain" filesets.

> <delete> will delete the original file.

I.e. treat it like any fileset.

> <copy> and others will copy or see the files with new names.

I.e. <copy> has to be aware that this is not a "plain" fileset and do
something special with it.

The point I'm trying to make is that the meaning of the prefix
attribute depends on the task - and that the task must be made aware
of it to give it any meaning.

In CVS HEAD, you can define <zipfileset> outside of any tasks and you
can use <zipfileset> wherever you can use a <fileset> in Ant 1.5.  It
sounds as if you really wanted that <copy> and a couple of other tasks
become aware of the fact that they are using a <zipfileset>.

> I just want to avoid copying a hundreds megabytes of data just to
> lay them out correctly.

I completely understand that goal, just think you are tackling it from
the wrong end.


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