On Thu, 14 Aug 2003, Antoine Levy-Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> There is a small problem :
>     <ftp action="get"
>             server="${ftp.host}"
>             userid="${ftp.user}"
>             password="${ftp.password}"
>             remotedir="${tmp.dir}">
>             <fileset dir="foo/bar" includes="**/*.java" />
>    </ftp>
> used not to follow symbolic links (in ant 1.5.3 and before)

symlinks on the remote side?

> now, it will follow symbolic links because the default for filesets
> is to follow symbolic links.
> Is this OK

Not sure.

> the only possibility I see is to add a flag in AbstractFileSet to
> find out whether followsymlinks has been *** explicitly *** set.
> Makes the code fatter but would maintain compatibility of behavior
> between ant 1.5.3 and ant 1.6

An alternative (although a hacky one) invoke setFollowSymlinks with
false in FTP#addFileset().  As it is addXYZ and not addConfiguredXYZ
any explicitly set attribute would override it (as the attributes will
get set after the invocation of add).  Hmm, wait, you only want to
change the followsymlinks attribute if the fileset is a remote one,
right?  You probably don't know that by the time addFileset gets

> Or can we say that the non following of symbolic links by the ftp
> task was a bug,

+0, I'm not really sure and I don't really know what the expected
behavior would be.  I'd probably expect put and get to behave the same
way, so the 1.5.x behavior would be wrong.


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