Morten Mortensen wrote:
Hi all,

I experience some funny stuff with the "exec" task, when I set the "output"
attribute. It very much appears to me as if the output-stream does not get
flushed. Tried 1.5.3 and some 1.6's.

(I continue to have little luck with searching the bug-database; keep
getting lists a numbers out - probably a user-error - ...)

I suspect, that there is a "Runtime.exec()" hidden in there somewhere below
the "ExecTask".


And some "Process.getOutputStream()".

Maybe in ExecuteStreamHandler

Instead I find lots of
OS-specific stuff (like direct invocation of "cmd.exe" instead of JNI with
::ShellExecuteEx() - well, fair enough!).

Well, we dont use non-standard JNI calls as that would need ant to build and run custom DLLS/shared libs. And I wouldnt use ::ShellExecuteEx() in that case anyway, because, well, its the wrong way to start command line programs in Win32.

Where do I find the "Runtime.exec()" triggered by "ExecTask.execute()"?
I would like to have a closer look.

There are custom inner classes to handle exec on different platforms *and* different Java runtimes. So that runtime.exec you seek is in there, maybe loaded via reflection.

Have you ever discussed using a "SplitOutputStream" to have output from "exec" guided to both a file and Ant-std-out at the same time - to see progress while still preserving the information in a file - ? -Or a more generic mechanism attached to Ant-std-out with tasks like "split-begin" and "split-end"?

You mean a more generic Unix style pipe architecture, dont you?

<exec something> | <grep > | <mail steve> ...

Its been thought about; Filterchains do it for transformations to files, but not for generic execution & output need to use intermediary files there

Hope one of you care to answer. :-)

  Morten Sabroe Mortensen

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