I've been thinking about the .net tasks and the tricks we had to do with mono support

the underlying problem was that because the task was always explicitly importing lots of stuff from the .net framework, the defaultreferences attribute was overloaded.

But it turns out that the MS CSC compiler automatically reads in the file csc.rsp from the directory that CSC.exe lives in, and by default that contains the core references:

From NET 1.1.4322
# This file contains command-line options that the C#
# command line compiler (CSC) will process as part
# of every compilation, unless the "/noconfig" option
# is specified.

# Reference the common Framework libraries


thus a windows box automatically got the right reference set, regardless of what we said in the ant task.

I proose, therefore, that we pull all 'helpful' auto referencing from the ant task because it wasnt needed on windows, and broke mono. Then we can get rid of that extra attribute we hacked in for mono support.


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