Stefan Bodewig wrote:

> On Wed, 10 Sep 2003, Jack Woehr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > though since the last changes seem to have been February there is
> > probably a lot of scope for the interested coder!?
> Antidote has had two or three phases of increased development efforts
> with longer breaks of inactivity in between.  The last one has been
> winter/early spring this year IIRC.  The Ant committer who's currently
> most interested in Antidote has switched jobs by then and may have
> some trouble to keep up with it ATM.
> Most Ant committers don't work on Antidote at all.  Some of them (me
> included) simply don't enjoy GUI programming at all.  In addition it
> is hard to work on something you don't use.  I'm absolutely happy with
> using Ant from the command line (errm, XEmacs compile command, that
> is) and others use the integration present in their IDE of choice.
> My recollection is different.  The NetBeans/Ant integration has been
> developed very early - a couple of months before Antidote started -
> sometime early spring 2000 as opposed to autumn 2000 IIRC.

Forgive me, Stefan, I believe we have a misunderstanding.

What I was saying is that internal code evidence shows that the Netbeans IDE was
used by the coder at some point in development of Antidote gui code. There's 
some stub
functions in Antidote code that Netbeans inserts in gui widgets. I just 
inferred that
the author had used NB, then removed the project from NB and turned to 100%
hand coding.

> But as far as I understand it, Antidote has been independent from the
> NetBeans integration.  The two projects may have borrowed ideas from
> each other, but they've been independent efforts.

Absolutely. Antidote has interesting standalone potential. That's why I am 
rooting through
the code like a piggy looking for truffles :-)

> > If I were "attack" the GUI in that fashion (tossing it back into
> > NetBeans) would that be acceptable or would that cross some
> > guideline?
> I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "tossing it back".

Use NetBeans to maintain the GUI classes. NetBeans uses .form files (gui-design 
XML) which
would themselves also be checked in. The .form files are not necessary for 
compilation but allow
the user-developer to resume GUI development under NetBeans.

I find the following about Antidote source:

   * bus idea good
   * gui code tight but perfunctory
        o MVC model a little inchoate
   * functionality minimal so far

Like I said, has great potential. Needs work, but you knew that already :-)

Jack J. Woehr      # You measure democracy by the freedom it
Senior Consultant  # gives its dissidents, not the freedom
Purematrix, Inc.   # it gives its assimilated conformists. #         - Abbie Hoffman

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