On Wed, 24 Sep 2003 01:40 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> conor       2003/09/23 08:40:36
>   Modified:    .        Tag: ANT_16_BRANCH build.sh
>                src/main/org/apache/tools/ant/launch Tag: ANT_16_BRANCH
>                         Launcher.java
>                src/script Tag: ANT_16_BRANCH ant
>   Log:
>   Add support for multiple -lib options. Also allow -lib to specify
>   a directory of jars rather than just the directory itself. Update
>   build.sh to use this. Unix only for now. Windows later.

These changes expand on Antoine's -lib code to support multiple -lib options. 
In addition, the -lib option can now name a directory containing jars and all 
jars in that directory will be added to Ant's launch classpath.

I've made these changes to the Unix side of things for now. I'll be on a 
Windows box tomorrow to make the appropriate changes there.

I moved the -lib $CLASSPATH behind the main arguments ($@) to catch things 
like incomplete argument specifications such as

ant -lib

The build.sh file has been updated to use these new features to pick up 
lib/optional as a -lib directory.

You'll need to bootstrap to pick up these features and have the build.sh file 

I'll merge across when I've done the Windows changes.


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