Reading this thread I am beginning to think that there is a fundamental problem on the road ahead for ant. If I understand correctly, one of the founding Ideas of Ant was that builds were something that should be described, not programed. Since I have joined this list about 1.5 years ago, I have seen a lot of stuff added and proposed that reflects a strong desire on the part of (at least some) users to construct builds that are programatic (often refered to as scripty), using if/unless tags, control properties, <script>, <macrodef> etc. I also have seen countless requests for the features delivered by ant-contrib, or at least suggested resolutions that involve ant-contrib.

Im wondering if part of what is happening is a migration of what people need from a build tool... Or is it just a matter of people remembering things they did with scripts and not shifting their way of thinking. I don't actually work in the real world. I am nice and cozy and insulated from "real" builds. I live in the mini-world of a grant that so far mostly involves only lightweight java development of smallish peices of code, and does not deploy any single cohesive software product, aside from a web site (which I do use ant to build from a CVS repostiory and maintain).

So from the perspective of larger projects and the deadline driven commercial ("real"??) world, have the needs really changed?

If so, should ant change? Or should a new tool/build language be developed? Or perhaps there should be flavors of ant such as ant-lite and an ant-full? As it stands we are getting a fair hodgepodge of tasks that have if/unless and macrodef is awfully close to procedural programming. I think that leaking in the scripty stuff slowly is not such a good idea, and if we are going to let people "program their build" we should be designing with that in mind, not as an afterthought.

I kinda think Ant's cross platform portablility is likely to be the feature most valuable to the users, but I could be wrong there.

Anyone else have similar thoughts?


Emmanuel Feller wrote:

----- Message d'origine ----- De : "Jose Alberto Fernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : "Ant Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : jeudi 9 octobre 2003 15:30
Objet : RE: failonerror; general solution

Very interesting point of view.

thanks ;))

I see what you are saying, but I do not think that one


try to force people to do things one way (the way someone


by just vetoeing all other ways, which may be more

convinient to others.

not vetoing, but as you know, many users do not read "the
fucking manual" ... as I did before my deep entrance in Ant
utilisation. So if you put the necessary stuff in your core,
will you search to understand a quite difficult philosophy
and method ? no, i do not think so.

Changing to the topic of java-logic vs. task-logic in


it all depends whether you want/like/need hard binding or


binding in your builds. By that I mean, when using java you

are hiding

what really goes on in a backbox, that must be maintained


If you need to change the way the build works, you may

finish needing

completely diferent tasks that need to be rewritten in


I prefer not to go to java, if I can. We have done several


of our deployment strategies which required completely


ways to perform the build, and there was no java changes


This is exactly why I speak of ANT 1.6 revolution : macro
and preset !

These task are wonderfull and many problem will be solvable
without Java developpement.

Now my only point is that just because some people prefer


it does not mean that loosebinding is wrong. It is just a


way of doing things. And I do not think one is worst than

the other.

I do not say it is wrong, but it is not the official way. As
you could see, when i answer to a user request (i do not
have lot of time to do :( ), i propose everytime two way :
an "official" point of view and a quick solution (like

I think (but it's my opinion) than ant should not provide
stuff for unofficial way, because you risk to mix the image.

Jose Alberto


-----Original Message-----
From: Emmanuel Feller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 09 October 2003 13:29
To: Ant Developers List
Subject: Re: failonerror; general solution

I am not saying that everyone should redesign wheel


ant is not script ...
I was like you tired of the scripting tabu, but i review


opinion when i had to do my first very complex build file.
The scripting way was not the description way and i found


wall when i developped the scripting way, because i miss
description details in my process.

I am saying that :
You should not take a solution because it exists but


you need really it. I might that every project are


and that task are the basics element of construction game.
Now your project drive the way you build, you should take
care on patterns but not apply a solution because marked


THE solution.

My builds are less complex still I developpe my own task,
because i use all basic stuff in my context.

So you may developp a script with foreach, if, and every
task. It will be long and may be not efficicent.

Me I developp a task that verify if uptodate, compile, jar
and javadoc my basic element of project.
It is only a wrapper on ant core task ... no


of basic things but value added things.
And after i have a task that ask my scm for modules names
and location and call the previous task.
(I am migrating my task within macro).

This is one of my targets. My build file are quite short
(around 2000 lines with comments), and are simple to


I took time to understand (around 1year) but now i think
that i am efficient on build process.
Newbies may not have abstraction point of view if we


the scripting features. Only my opinion, Emmanuel
----- Message d'origine ----- De : "Jose Alberto Fernandez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
À : "Ant Developers List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Envoyé : jeudi 9 octobre 2003 14:03
Objet : RE: failonerror; general solution

So are you saying that instead of having access to generic
things in ANT that anyone can use, we should prefer having
every user defining it own little dialect with his own


tasks for minor things that everybody needs. (I.e., I do


think anybody denies the need for doing things


on the build).

I find this very strange.

I have my own tasks too, but this are tasks for our


code generator and such which are specific to our


(so I am not afraid to define them), I also have my own
<forall/> tasks which works diferent than the <foreach/>


antcontrib. But why you want every user to reinvent <if>,
etc. It makes no sense to me. (At the end we get


request after enhancement request, for ways of doing


that can be done using this simple tasks, efficiently.

I do not think the aim of ANT is to require people to


java code for every other thing they need in their build.


point of ANT and ANTLIB in particular is to provide


tasks that anyone can use. If you do not like a certain


of tasks, well do not use them, but that does not mean
vetoeing anyone else to use them.

And as I have said several times now, I am not asking for
to be added to core, I an just asking them to be shippen


useful antlib that people can use in their builds, if they


Jose Alberto
PS: I am so tired of the "ANT should not be a scripting
language" tabu when in reality it is, just like MAKE or


other description language that gets executed. ANT is not


procedural language, that I agree, but it is a script.

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