On Monday 20 October 2003 13:38, Christopher Lenz wrote:
> Hi Peter,
> this looks really cool, but I'd suggest adding an attribute like
> scope="local|global" to the <property> task instead of adding a completely
> new task.

I had thought of that but shyed away for the moment as
the property task allows mass setting of properties with
the file, resource, url and environment attributes.

It is also used as a nested element by a number of
tasks - ant and antcall being examples.


> -chris
> peter reilly wrote:
> > I have written the code to support local properties.
> > While I was doing this, I realized that the attributes
> > of a macrodef could/should be local properties as well,
> > removing some of the issues seen last week (use of
> > attribute in a bsf script and support of parallel/recursive).
> >
> > The following shows it in using a new task called local.
> >
> > <project name="local">
> >   <property name="prop1" value="a global value"/>
> >   <target name="test1">
> >     <local name="prop1" value="a local value"/>
> >     <echo>prop1 is "${prop1}"</echo>
> >   </target>
> >   <target name="test2" depends="test1">
> >     <echo>prop1 is "${prop1}"</echo>
> >   </target>
> > </project>
> >
> > This ant test2 generates the following:
> >
> > test1:
> > prop1 is "a local value"
> >
> > test2:
> > prop1 is "a global value"
> >
> > Each taskcontainer sets up a new local scope:
> >
> >   <target name="sequential">
> >     <local name="prop2" value="in target"/>
> >     <sequential>
> >       <local name="prop2" value="in sequential"/>
> >       <echo>prop2 is "${prop2}"</echo>
> >     </sequential>
> >     <echo>prop2 is "${prop2}"</echo>
> >   </target>
> >
> > will generate the following:
> > sequential:
> > prop2 is "in sequential"
> > prop2 is "in target"
> >
> > The value part of <local> is optional, and  the local
> > property may be set by a subsequent <property>, <property>
> > will only set it if the value is not set.
> >
> >   <target name="notset">
> >     <local name="prop3"/>
> >     <echo>prop3 is "${prop3}"</echo>
> >     <property name="prop3" value="is set"/>
> >     <property name="prop3" value="is set again"/>
> >     <echo>prop3 is "${prop3}"</echo>
> >   </target>
> >
> > will generate the following:
> > notset:
> > prop3 is "${prop3}"
> > prop3 is "is set"
> >
> > prop3 is still a local variable and will not be seen outside the target.
> >
> > The local properties are thread local so the following works as expected:
> >   <target name="parallel">
> >     <local name="prop4"/>
> >     <parallel>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <property name="prop4" value="thread1"/>
> >         <echo>t1: prop4 is "${prop4}"</echo>
> >       </sequential>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <property name="prop4" value="thread2"/>
> >         <echo>t2: prop4 is "${prop4}"</echo>
> >       </sequential>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <property name="prop4" value="thread3"/>
> >         <echo>t3: prop4 is "${prop4}"</echo>
> >       </sequential>
> >     </parallel>
> >   </target>
> >
> > parallel:
> > t2: prop4 is "thread2"
> > t1: prop4 is "thread1"
> > t3: prop4 is "thread3"
> >
> > Use with macrodef.
> > -----------------
> >
> > Attributes may now be implemented as local properties, which means that
> > they will be seen as normal properties by ant tasks - including script.
> >
> >   <target name="macro">
> >     <macrodef name="callscript">
> >       <attribute name="x"/>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <script language="beanshell">
> >           System.out.println("x is '" + project.getProperty("x") + "'");
> >         </script>
> >       </sequential>
> >     </macrodef>
> >
> >     <callscript x="this is x"/>
> >   </target>
> >
> > will generate:
> > macro:
> > x is 'this is x'
> >
> > Macrodef does not do the attribute substitutions so the following
> >   <target name="macro2">
> >     <macrodef name="callscript">
> >       <attribute name="x"/>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <script language="beanshell">
> >           System.out.println("x is '${x}'");
> >         </script>
> >       </sequential>
> >     </macrodef>
> >
> >     <callscript x="this is x"/>
> >   </target>
> > will generate:
> > macro2:
> > x is '${x}'
> > as <script/> does not do property expansion.
> >
> > A variation of the recurive macrodef last week may be done by:
> >   <target name="recur">
> >     <macrodef name="recur">
> >       <attribute name="thread"/>
> >       <attribute name="current"/>
> >       <sequential>
> >         <antcontrib:if>
> >           <equals arg1="0" arg2="${current}"/>
> >           <then>
> >             <echo message="Thread: ${thread} done"/>
> >           </then>
> >           <else>
> >             <antcontrib:math
> >               datatype  = "int"
> >               operand1  = "${current}"
> >               operation = "-"
> >               operand2  = "1"
> >               result    = "current"
> >               />
> >             <echo message = "T: ${thread}, C: ${current}" />
> >             <sleep seconds="1"/>
> >             <recur current = "${current}" thread  = "${thread}" />
> >           </else>
> >         </antcontrib:if>
> >       </sequential>
> >     </macrodef>
> >
> >     <parallel>
> >       <recur thread="1" current="5"/>
> >       <recur thread="2" current="6"/>
> >       <recur thread="3" current="2"/>
> >     </parallel>
> >   </target>
> >
> > The output is:
> > recur:
> > T: 3, C: 1
> > T: 1, C: 4
> > T: 2, C: 5
> > T: 3, C: 0
> > T: 1, C: 3
> > T: 2, C: 4
> > Thread: 3 done
> > T: 1, C: 2
> > T: 2, C: 3
> > T: 1, C: 1
> > T: 2, C: 2
> > T: 1, C: 0
> > T: 2, C: 1
> > Thread: 1 done
> > T: 2, C: 0
> > Thread: 2 done
> >
> >
> >
> > I realize that it is late in the day to get this
> > into ant1.6, but I think that it will make macrodef
> > much more usefull and easy to port current antcalls.
> >
> > The changes are quite small (mostly to PropertyHelper).
> >
> > Peter
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