> From: peter reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The default ns for ant is "ant:core".
> <ant:project name="antx" default="help"
>              xmlns:ant="ant:core"
>              xmlns:ac="antlib:net.sf.antcontrib">

Thanks. Setting the correct namespace works. Note that the error message I
was getting was not very user friendly...

OK, but! Imagine I was to be able to validate from the outside a build file
using several AntLibs, or write a build file editor with context sensitive
completion for attribute names (and values sometimes) and nested elements.
One obvious way to do that would be to read all the top-level AntLib
declarations, which give you an entry point into what types the these AntLib
declares. By having a NS of ant:core, you have to special case the Core.

If the NS was antlib:org.apache.tools.ant OTOH, with the proper antlib.xml
in Ant's own JAR, then it's 'just' another AntLib...

Sure, NSs can be declared not at top-level, or AntLibs not declared in a
namespace at all, or in just a taskdef, etc... I still see value in the
picture above, provided build file are written using the restriction of
having all AntLib's in ant/lib and declared using a top-level antlib:
shortcut. --DD

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