> From: peter reilly [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Wednesday 22 October 2003 08:41, Antoine Lévy-Lambert wrote:
> > I am OK for the third beta.
> > In the third beta we should have :
> > - the <local> properties,
> > - a new xml-apis.jar (probably the one which is distributed with
> > Xerces-Java 2.5)
> > - can we also have the endorsed libraries ?
> > - other points ?
> * there was some discussion on the namespace support -
>    - should the default uri be "antlib:org.apache.tools.ant" to
>      be consistent with other antlib uri's
>      + I had argued before that it should not, but now I think
>        it should.
> * antlib support
>    - should <typedef resource="x"/> look for all instances of x or
>      just the first one.
>      + I think it should.

Two remarks:

1) If, as I hope, the Ant namespace URI changes to
   "antlib:org.apache.tools.ant", then an antlib.xml
   would be available there. For consistency's sake,
   but also because of (2) below...

2) This Ant antlib.xml would of course reference the
   existing tasks/types properties files, but *additionally*
   declare all the little types, like selectors, mappers, etc...

Without (2), I cannot right a custom task with a new
add(FilenameSelector) introspection point (or add(Condition), etc..),
and be able to use the built-in Ant selectors, conditions, etc...
(at least not without an explicit declaration for them somewhere.)

It would be really strange to be able to use such custom types
(selectors, mappers, conditions, etc...) as usual in Ant 1.6,
but not the Ant built-in ones.


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