I noticed in the source code for the CVS task, this comment:

        // XXX: we should use JCVS (www.ice.com/JCVS) instead of
        // command line execution so that we don't rely on having
        // native CVS stuff around (SM)

        // We can't do it ourselves as jCVS is GPLed, a third party task
        // outside of jakarta repositories would be possible though (SB).

Which makes perfect sense. Even LGPL would have problems being linked too
with java's import statement.

Recently the idea of having a native java interface to cvs instead of
shelling out to CVS came up on the Maven development list
(http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/[EMAIL PROTECTED]

The NetBeans project was brought up, and javacvs in particular.


Since this is licensed under the Sun Public License
(http://www.netbeans.org/about/legal/license.html) which someone said is
compatible with the Apache License.

Now I know we can't just up and replace the current <cvs> task for backwards
compatibility (since we are never going to fully implement every possible
command combination). Maybe we can make a new optional task (<javacvs>),
since we have to link to something under the Sun Public License, and can't
re-distribute the jar file.

I don't know enough Java to tackle this myself, but thought I would start a
discussion and see who else is interested in a native java cvs task. (I've
seen it come up a few times on here, at least once that I can remember for

-- Larry

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