I'm using ANT 1.5.4 (included in Eclipse M4).  The following is the task
that I'm calling to generate my WAR.
<target name="war" depends="compile.java" description="build the
distribution (war) file" >
        <war destfile="${dist.dir}/MYWAR.war" filesonly="false"
                <fileset dir="${basedir}/Java/" casesensitive="false">
                        <!--this directory has a set of empty
                        <include name="emptydir/**"/>
                <lib dir="${lib.dir}" casesensitive="false">
                        <include name="*.jar"/>
                <classes dir="${build.dir}" casesensitive="false">
                        <include name="**"/>

Jeremy Nix
Southwest Financial Services, LTD.
(513) 621-6699 ext.1158

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 11:06 AM
Subject: Re: Including empty directories in a WAR task

On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Jeremy Nix <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm having troubles figuring out how to include empty directories in 
> the WAR task (and others for that matter).

There have been problems with this in prior versions, so make sure you
are at least using Ant 1.5.3 before going any further.

Then you obviously must not set the filesonly attribute to true.

And then you include pattern must match the directory you want to

If this is the case, please show us a snippet of how you try to archive
the directories and indicate where Ant is supposed to find the empty


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