> From: Steve Loughran [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> > I stumbled over it yesterday[1] - the snippet you post - here
> > <http://www.dotnetguru.org/articles/pdc2003/pdc2003v2.htm>.
> >
> > As I don't speak french I've been unable to understand the context - I
> > was planing to ask the author of that article to translate it for me
> > and then answer it as well.
> We leave you to form  your own opinion on the subject. The positive side
> is that an Ant developer [user?] will not be really, but also really,
> not lost with MsBuild.
> [I havent been able to really translate that last sentence. I would
> guess it means that an ant user will feel at home with MSBuild]

Yep. You got the gist of it. The guy's saying that an Ant developer will
really, really not feel lost with MsBuild (alluding to the earlier described
plagiarism, where even the class names are the same...). --DD

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