> From: Steve Cohen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I have used a similar idea with a build file full of "template" targets
> that use a fileset reference.  The reference must be defined globally or
> the build will break, but only some of the users of the file of
> "templates" actually need the reference.  So, since references can be
> overridden, the solution is, similar to Stefan's,
> <fileset id="globaltlds" dir=".">
>     <include name="no.real.file"/>
> </fileset>
> Later, a user of this buildfile can redefine the globaltlds reference, if
> it needs to, to something real.

Yeah, this sounds a lot like the Null Object idiom you can read about in
Martin Fowler's Refactoring book. OTOH, now that there is the <isreference>
condition, a cleaner approach might be to conditionaly execute the target
only of the reference is defined at all, rather than defining a null/dummy
one. Probably not applicable all the time, but still. --DD

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