Peter reilly wrote:
On Fri, 2003-11-28 at 11:54, Christopher Lenz wrote:
Peter reilly wrote:

The rule is as is in the ant namespace documentation, opps
the to be written documentation, is that
if the element name is in ant's xmlns, then
the componentname of the element is the local name,
otherwise it is uri:localname.

This is to be backward compatible with previous
versions of ant.

I don't understand... in what way does this provide backwards compatibility?

AFAICT (and as I have already posted) DynamicConfigurator-based tasks that are not namespace-aware -- and that includes all tasks written against Ant 1.5 -- will break as soon as the build file writer decides to put them in a namespace.

This involves changing the build file - adding namespaces.

But if we'd just pass the local name to DynamicConfigurator, the task would continue to work even if the build file writer added a namespace -- or am I totally confused??

The task writer shouldn't have to update the task implementation just so that the build file writer can use namespaces (IMNHSO).


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