> Java 1.5 comes with support for a new archive format Pack200[1] which
> basically works by using a special compression algorithm that is very
> effective on Java class files.  The way to create such an archive is
> to create a plain old jar first and then turn ot into a Pack200
> archive - "depack200"ing again yields a jar archive.
> Sine Java 1.5 comes with a straight forward utility class[2], creating
> <pack200> and <unpack200> tasks would be quite simple - and first
> enhancement request are predicted to pop up soon 8-)
> Do we want to make them core tasks or do we want to farm them out into
> an antlib of their own?
> Stefan
> Footnotes: 
> [1]  http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=200
> [2]  http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/javax/pack/Pack200.html

Because its based only on (new) standard classes I would do that as
core tasks. And as an adoption of <jar>, so the user doesn´t has to
create the JAR bofore "pack200"ing.


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