another option would be to let people extend CommandLineJava and overwrite the method getCommandLine() to change the arguments, so I can customize my command line while you maintain the contract of JUnitRunner.

I think I will move in this direction since not only I need to change the main class, but also make the classpath an argument of the main class and not a java argument, for example:

java -classpath whatever.jar JUnitTestRunner blah


java -jar /path/myJar.jar -classpath whatever.jar JUnitTestRunner blah


Mariano Benitez wrote:

I assume that your class understands all the command line arguments
Ant's testrunner uses and passes them along. How would your class
deal with new arguments we add?

My class is just a bootstrap that do some classloading stuff regarding my application and then invokes the main class (JUnitRunner) with the parameteres it received in the first place.

The main problem with opening up access to the test runner class is
just that. As soon as we do it, we run the risk of breaking other
people's builds when we change the protocol between the task and the
test runner. There is no danger now, as we always know the main class
that gets invoked.

I agree 100% with you on this, it is just that I need to take control "before" the main class is executed, actually I build a classloader where the main class (Runner) is loaded and executed.

I know this is a quite unique situation but I just wanted to expose my case to see if it is so unique that is ok that I handle it myself only. I have patched JUnitTask to specify another main class that I built that ultimately call JUnitRunner as usual.

1) leave <junit forked="true" jvm="launcher"> and have "launcher"
script change the command line

Ugly but portable accross Ant versions.

I have scripts since they always have problems with different OS, etc, that was the first option, but I end up having 3 bash processes wrapping java.

2) patch junit to allow me to put a boot class
3) extend junit (the problem is that JUnitTask.executeAsForked and
commandline are private, so I should patch the task anyway)

what you can do to support extension of JUnit is to leave a hook to alter the commandline, this way I can do whatever I need directly before invoking the runner. You could just leave a method protected so I can extend it and alter the command line in a custom task.

Thanks a lot for the attention,


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