On Wed, 11 Feb 2004, Jan Materne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Then weŽll earn the whole inter-project-dependency-problems. We have
> to ensure that an AntLib works with all AntCore releases or fails
> with a defined error.

Yes, we'll need versioning.

> I see two things:
> 1. Plugging in AntLibs should be very easy

This has been the idea and I'm sure we'll find our way to antlib
autodiscovery here.  For backwards compatibility all antlibs that
originated from "core" or "optional" tasks would have to populate the
namespace of antlib:org.apache.tools.ant anyway.

> 2. It should be easy for the user to get a "complete" working
> version of Ant.

IMHO we'd still have major releases consisting of Ant's core and


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