> From: Stefan Bodewig [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On Fri, 20 Feb 2004, Peter Reilly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I meant that the core - conditions, filters, mappers can be in 
> > separate namespaces, but that these could still be in 
> ant.jar, one can 
> > have multiple antlib.xml 's in ant.jar.
> Wouldn't that break backwards compatibility?
> <condition>
>   <or>
> wouldn't work anymore as <or> would now live in a namespace 
> different from <condition>.

What I suggested before was to all a new sort of <libimport>
to the antlib.xml. This constructs would alow us to specify:

1) Other jars to be added to the classloader user by the current antlib.
   This could use a fileset or filelist to specify multiple jars.

2) Other antlib.xml files present on those jars. They may also
use patterns for the discovery on antlibs automatically.

3) Alternatively, you should be able to import an antlib.xml
conditionally on the availability of a particular class.

The additional antlibs imported this way will just load on 
the same NameSpace as the importing antlib. So we would
solve the backward compatibility problem.

Also, I think this would provide faster startup times since
you would only load tasks that have the supporting classes present.

Jose Alberto

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