Ok, I've gotten myself on [EMAIL PROTECTED] because I'm interested in that 
anyway, so
I won't cross-post to gump again :)

> > This would be contributing to Maven's failure with Ant 1.6 
> then, too.
> Quite possible.
> I didn't know that Maven had a problem with Ant 1.6, even 
> though I am subscribed to the Maven dev list.  We really 
> should collaborate on issues like this - if you Maven guys 
> have trouble with Ant, please tell us Ant guys.

We did discuss it on dev for a while. dIon made the changes and we rolled it
back when we saw some incompatibilities.

There's nothing insurmountable there, but its going to require some
incompatible changes to be made, and'll have to wait until after 1.0. This
is the only reason it hasn't been taken any further just yet.

The future versions of Maven will probably use Maven differently and Jelly
sparingly, so it may be a non-issue.

> <tongue-in-cheek>The on-topic part for Gump: If Maven could 
> be built by Gump, we might have seen this issue long before 
> Ant 1.6.0 was released.</tongue-in-cheek>


I'm actually working on this right now. I'm going to make a custom build
somewhat like the bootstrap but simpler. I was worried about the ant issue -
but if there is an ant-1.5 build then that is perfect for now. I'll post
separately to gump.

> Back to the issue at hand.  I'm sort of stuck here.  I don't 
> know anything about Jelly and Jelly development has stopped 
> AFAICT.  There doesn't seem to be anybody left I could ask 
> questions or who'd apply patches should that become 
> necessary.  It may very well be an issue like 
> where we can't fix Ant, but can provide a work-around so that code works
with Ant 1.5.x and 1.6.x afterwards.

Yes, James' public apology for Jelly probably doesn't bode well for its
future :)

This looks like the right track for the issue, although to be honest I think
I know about as much as you do at this point. I haven't looked in much depth
at the bindings of Maven to Ant in the past as I joined Maven after it was
in its current state.

> If Maven has the same problems, at least you could help me track it down.
I'm more than willing to get this resolved and we should try to do so (after

> Easter since I'll be offline during the holidays) in any way that works
for you.

My focus is elsewhere presently, but I'm happy to work with you on this
wherever I can help out.

> Yes, I understand that.  We know pretty well that the change broke some
things, but we did so consciously to solve a whole slew of other issues and
won't > revert it.

I think it's great. It should be a lot better to Maven, but the fact that it
will change will flow on to users currently, so we've bumped the upgrade to
1.1 or whatever comes next.

> How does Maven integrate with Ant?  The classloading changes shouldn't
affect Maven unless it runs Ant via the command line interface or the new
Launcher > class.  Do you have any details here?

commons-grant. It defines a derived AntClassLoader, AntProject and
propshandler to integrate a jelly context.


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