Recently, I submitted two bugs related to the modified selector.

Bug 29742 addresses the issue that the Modified selector doesn't allow 
algorithm or comparator selection.  Only the default choices of "digest" 
and "equal" respectively are allowed.  

I have created a bug fix for the modified selector that addresses this 
In the bug fix, the algorithm and comparator initialization logic has been
changed to allow choosing away from default.

At the same time, I have created another algorithm type, "checksum", that 
use of the interface.  It is chosen by setting the
alogrithm attribute to "checksum" ( <modified algorithm="checksum" /> ).  

This checksum allows the choice of CRC32 or Alder32, which utilize and respectively.  This choice 
is made
by setting the algorithm.algorithm parameter to "CRC" or "ADLER", with the
default being "CRC" ( <modified algorithm="checksum"><param
name="algorithm.algorithm" value="ADLER" /></modified> )

How do I submit such changes for evaluation and possible inclusion?

Bug 29743 addresses a bigger issue in that the modified selector has poor 
cachefile save performance.  The architecture of the selector framework 
dictates that the selector is notified of files, one at a time, through 
the isSelected method.  It is at this method call, that the cache 
properties file is saved.  This properties file is saved every time a 
file modification is found, possibly as many times as there are files in 
the fileset.  This leads to poor performance when process large filesets 
with multiple changes, in my case around 15000.

I would like to delay the saving of the file until we are finished with 
the fileset or finished with the selector.  It looks to me, like this 
requires the addition of one of more methods to the selector framework, 
likely to BaseSelector. 

In the case of the modified selector, we may be able to get away with 
knowing we are finished with the selector through some method call like 
"tearDown".  At this point, the modified selector could save its 
properites file.

Another option is to add filesetListener type of behavior to the BaseSelector.
This would notify a selector when a fileset selection has started and 
ended. With this option, the modified selector could save its properties 
file at the end of fileset selection.

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