(Sorry if this message is HTML: having to use Outlook Web Access and don't know 
how to control the mail format!)
Thanks for the info. Note that the documentation for the file mappers states 
that "to" and "from" can "contain at most one '*'", which implies to me that 
they can legitimately have zero stars. In this particular case the fileset 
defined selects just one file, ant.jar, which is what I want to copy to a 
different directory. The problem is that I don't know (in the Ant script) the 
exact path to the ant.jar so I'm using "**/ant.jar":
<copy todir="${dest}">
    <fileset dir="${source}" includes="**/ant.jar"/>
    <mapper type="glob" from="*/ant.jar" to="internal/ant.jar"/>
What I want to do is copy the one and only "${source}/.../ant.jar" to 
"${dest}/internal/ant.jar". Because the Ant script is itself generated 
(generically) such that the copy "todir" attribute is fixed as "${dest}" I 
can't simply set that to "${dest}/internal" and use a flatten mapper which is 
what I'd otherwise do.
If you can think of a way of doing this processing with just changing the body 
content of the copy element and not the copy element itself I'd love to know 
the solution! Perhaps the regexp mapper would do this?
Phil :n(

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Dominique Devienne [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Fri 13/08/2004 19:07 
        To: Ant Developers List 
        Subject: RE: Bug in the "glob" file mapper?

        > From: Phil Weighill-Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        > The "glob" file mapper is exhibiting a behaviour I didn't expect:
        > <copy ...
        >     <fileset ...
        >     <mapper type="glob" from="*/ant.jar" to="internal/ant.jar"/>
        > </copy>
        > Assuming that "*" matches "env/apache-ant-1.6.2/lib" I expected this
        > copy the ant.jar to a destination of copy's todir + /internal/ant.jar.
        > What it actually does is copy it to copy's todir +
        > /internal/ant.jarenv/apache-ant-1.6.2/lib.
        > I.e. if you don't use a "*" in the to attribute of the mapper, the "*"
        > match is suffixed onto the "to". This seems wrong to me. Is this a
        It's wrong in the sense that the glob mapper should most likely throw an
        error when the "*" is missing in the 'to' attribute.
        You can't use the glob mapper to concatenate files like this, and even
        if it worked, plain concatenation wouldn't work with .jar files.
        Use <concat> for plain concatenation.
        Use <jar> or <zip> with <zipfileset> for concatenation of JAR/ZIP files.
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