> From: Erik Hatcher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Aug 17, 2004, at 9:47 AM, Dominique Devienne wrote:
> > I'm working on a combination task/doclet to document Ant
> Have you looked deep into proposal/xdocs to see how its documentation
> generation was done?  How much of what you're doing is reinventing
> was done there?  Sounds almost identical.  I leveraged
> IntrospectionHelper as well as the XDoclet object model to get all the
> info I needed.

Glad to hear what I'm doing is not too wrong headed then ;-)

No I didn't, because I'm not willing to take on the XDoclet dependency.
I've had good success with plain doclets in the past, and I don't see
Javadoc as being slow either (it's the StandardDoclet that's slow, not
Javadoc itself). Also, I want an XSL-driven solution. So in this sense I
am indeed reinventing the wheel somewhat ATM. I'll look a bit more into
your proposal though, as a sanity check to the solution I have in mind,
which is geared exclusively towards Antlibs.

But reinventing the wheel or not, the fact remains that the additional
accessors I'm requesting in IntrospectionHelper are needed for any
solution that doesn't want to re-code the attribute/nested-element logic
in reverse, or the whole logic of the add[Configured](Class) extension

I've been postponing the documentation of my many tasks for too long,
and it's time I get something working. I'm not willing to hand write
documentation in HTML, but I want to assemble it from Javadoc comments
and possibly auxiliary XML or plain text files (Wiki-style). --DD

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