On Mon, 13 Sep 2004, Holger Krauth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> (that I didnt find answered neither in FAQ nor in "Contributing")

It's not really properly documented.  The process goes along the lines
of "try to get the attention of a committer by either posting to the
dev list or Bugzilla (or both) until finally one of them listens".

It may take some time and it may take more than one try since
committers (I happen to be one) are human beings and usually are
volunteers who get distracted by other stuff (work, family - usually
something unimportant like that ;-) from time to time.

> Is it possible (is someone willing to spend time) that I send you
> code inside a demo-project, that comes with jdoc comments, a
> TestCase, a manual and a build.xml for demo purposes for you to
> examine, and possibly take it an integrate it into your CVS the way
> you like to have it (or tell me where to put it or what to change on
> it)?

Please create an enhancement request in Bugzilla and attach whatever
you want to provide to it.  That way things won't be lost and are
even accessible for interested non-committers.

> I was missing a feature in the copy task that warns me
> (a) if a token could not be given a value and/or
> (b) if a value file contains token values that are never used.
> Therefore I have written a CheckTokens (extends Task) which we run
> before every deploy/compile.

Sounds useful.

I have to warn you, that we currently feel like we have enough if not
too many tasks bundled with Ant already.  We are very very reluctant
to add new tasks.  Usually we ask people to make their tasks available
separately and independent of Ant, but you could try to convince us
that the task is needed so badly it has to be bundled with Ant.
Bugzilla and its "vote for this bug" feature can help here as well.


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