On Fri, 12 Nov 2004 17:12:21 +0100, Stefan Bodewig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Nov 2004, Russell Gold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > A bit earlier in the thread, I tried to summarize them:
> I've seen that, but then Steve responded with a list of things you
> didn't know about yet.
> Let me take a few steps back and first look at the functionality only.
> We have:
> * a local directory holding libraries. (both)
> * remote site that may hold libraries not yet installed on our system
>   and a mechanism to get the files from the remote site to our system.
>   (both)
> * information about a specific layout of directories and files both
>   locally and remotely - that's what I understand the term repository
>   to mean in this context.  (both, but optional with getlibraries and
>   central part of the logic in dependencies).

As I understand it, the local directory for getlibraries is typically
a flat directory, similar to what a single project would use. On the
other hand, the layout of the local directories is very specifically
defined by the dependencies task.

> * can create filesets or path from the libaries in the local file
>   system.  (both, but optional with getlibraries and central part of
>   the logic in dependencies).

As I understand it, getlibraries does not support creating filesets,
since a central part of its logic is populating a project-specific

> * dependencies relies on a single local cache, getlibraries expects
>   all builds that want to share the cache to collaborate.
> * dependencies relies on filenames, getlibraries uses timestamps in
>   addition (or maybe other mechanisms) to determine whether something
>   already is in the local cache.
> Am I missing a crucial piece of functionality for either of both?  Am
> I misrepresenting anything?

Both permit the conditional exclusion of files from their definitions,
and both provide a mechanism for customizing the interface to the
remote repositories.

I think that those are the main ideas.

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