Does this need to be done for other forked tasks - junit, java for example?

Stefan Bodewig wrote:

On 10 Dec 2004, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

+        // this is a quick hack to make things work in a
+        // Gump/Kaffe/Jikes combo.  I promise I'll explain it later -
+        // and add a real solution as well

This is the first part of the promise.

Gump currently places Xerces and various other stuff that can also
be found in the JDK onto the bootclasspath to ensure it uses the
latest versions.

When Ant invokes an external compiler, it may pass the CLASSPATH
it have been invoked with (depending on build.sysclasspath and
includenantruntime), but it never passes the bootclasspath, so it
swallows whatever is there.

In the Gump/Jikes combination this means, Xerces is no longer on
the classpath when Jikes runs.

I think Ant's behavior is wrong and thus propose the following
changes (that I'll perform unless you tell me I'm wrong):

* If includejavaruntime is true in <javac>, add the full
 bootclasspath of the current VM.

* If build.sysclasspath has the value "only" (i.e. ignore all
 classpath defintions in the build file, use the system), add the
 full bootclasspath of the current VM.

In both cases, if the external compiler supports -bootclasspath,
add it there - otherwise add it to -classpath.

This would apply to <javac> but also to <rmic>.


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