Hi there -

I'm using the pvcs tasks in ant, and whilst searching about I found a 
posting here:


that added some functionality changes to the PVCS task in ant.

I did a look-see through the code, and found it to be more flexible than 
the existing ant pvcs task. Is there a specific reason this stuff was 
never included? I used it to get ant to play nice with stuff I'm doing in 
PVCS 8.0, so I'm glad I found it.

I also found a sourceforge site that deals with some changes for PVCS 7.5 
(and onwards, perhaps) but it hasn't been touched in a while and the 
documentation is incomplete.

I realize this posting was a long time ago, so if it's a dead subject, 
please let me know.

I emailed Andrew May, but I don't even know if that email address is still 
valid, hence I emailed this list.


Edward Wittmann

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