Don't specify basedir in the sub-project build.xml and invoke it via
<ant/> from a build.xml in the c:\MyProject directory (with basedir
"."): the sub-project will inherit the main project's basedir (i.e.
c:\MyProject). Alternatively, access your source directory via ../src
(which seems a bit duff, but workable). Finally, look at the <ant/> and
<subant/> tasks' documentation.

Phil :n.

On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 05:48, IndianAtTech wrote:

>  Hi All,
> I know the following is valid syntax and also works fine in my case.
> <project name="MyProject" default="dist" basedir=".">
>     <description>
>         simple example build file
>     </description>
> </project>
> But i have different scenario.
> Say I have a project called in MyProect in root direectory and it
> contains sub directory called MyTest, something like
> c:/MyProject/MyTest
> and also it contains c:/MyProject/src
> now placing my build.xml in c:/MyProject/MyTest foloder I wanted to
> compile tje files of c:/MyProject/src
> By giving explicitly the value of basedir as /MyProject, I can make
> build.xml to work.
> But I wanted to access the value of /MyProject/src dynamically.
> I have tried basedir"./" and basedir="/./" both doesnot work.
> So, Please let me know other solutions, if it is possible
> Thanks
> sudhakar
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Phil Weighill-Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Volantis Systems

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