Stefan Bodewig wrote:
On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Steve Loughran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

is anyone else using this yet?

No.  So take whatever I write with a grain of salt or two.

1. For <mavenrepository> always download pom and license files if

Making that optional should be enough.

current structure doesnt have a .pom or .license for every file; its moot.

2. add a new magic property to let people override the ibiblio
mirror for all their projects.

Do we have a magic property to not use any mirror
(like maven --offline)?

good point.

Do we really want to use magic properties at all? This also includes ant.maven.repository.dir.

yeah, and we want to maybe rename it to what maven use, and mark maven.* as reserved.

the rationale is that you can then switch anyone's build.xml to use whatever cache you've chosen.

There is some fun with proxy servers to address too; our work network lets all traffic on ports other than 80 in and out, but forces you to proxy port 80. this makes things that assume no proxy break big time, and I dont want to field all those support calls.

I also think it would be convenient with my life if as well as
loading ~/.ant/lib, that we had a properties file with my own
customisations, say ~/.ant/

Sure, if I can turn it off with --noconfig.


I thought maybe we did this already, but couldnt see it in the docs
or the source.

We are sourcing ~/.ant/ant.conf so you could make it something like

if [ -z "$ANT_ARGS" ]; then
    ANT_ARGS="-propertyfile $HOME/.ant/"
    ANT_ARGS="$ANT_ARGS -propertyfile $HOME/.ant/"

[[[ may break if $HOME contains spaces ]]]

As usual :)

Incidentally, does anyone test with Ant running in a dir with high unicode characters? Axis on Tomcat is failing on Japanese systems with this as a problem, one that seems inherent to Tomcat.

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